Karate Kid, Sensei and beyond...
One of the first TV shows I remember watching everyday from a young age was Power Rangers. I made my dad record every episode. I wanted to be just like the Pink Ranger! Around the same time, my first childhood friend who was my neighbor had started Karate. Everyday, I would watch her practice in the yard. I wanted to train so badly but at 6 years old my parents thought I was too young. I begged my parents for months. They finally brought me in for my first karate class after I encountered a few incidents being bullied.
It was love at first sight! At 7 years old, now I was doing karate! I absolutely loved it! There was never a day that I can rememeber when I didn't want to go to karate class. It was my complete happy place where I developed so many great friendships. There were so many life learning experiences I gained. It wasn't easy, but I learned at a young age that working hard for what you truly want is always worth it! I learned about discipline, determination, modesty, self control, perserverance, goal setting and respect.
At 10 years old I achieved my Black Belt. I decided I wanted to achieve the highest degree Black Belt possible. I loved all the aspects of my training. I learned katas, weapons, forms and sparring. I really enjoyed the challenge of learning new techniques and performing. However, I found that sparring (a practice version of fighting with safety gear on) was my favorite. I remember my dad would come to the dojo and watch me on sparring days, which definitely added fuel to my fire. I had several strong female instructors. After my class, I would watch them beat up on the guys during their sparring session which opened my eyes to realizing that women could have just as much strength as men.
After achieving my Black Belt at only 10 years old, I found my next passion which was teaching. I helped at the Karate school in any way I could. Whether it was helping a friend after class, becoming a run coach or helping the younger kids classes after school. On my 14th Birthday I was hired as a part time instructor. I was so happy and excited! From then on, I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life!
Throughout the past 22 years, my life has gone in many directions. My passion has always stayed the same. I am a Martial Artist for life! Although it has taken many different forms and is constantly evolving, Martial Arts has been the one thing consistent in my life.
I hope through sharing my story one piece at a time, I will help inspire others the same way many have inspired me. I was taught early on that the best way to lead is by example!